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Shocking DUI Statistics in Pennsylvania

In December 2014, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) issued a report outlining the statistics related to alcohol-impaired driving fatalities across the nation (including the District of Columbia). According to the NHTSA report, in 2013, alcohol-impaired drivers throughout the U.S (and D.C.) were involved in automobile accidents that were responsible for the deaths of more than 10,000 people. For 2013, the fatalities caused by alcohol-impaired drivers represent approximately 31 percent of the total fatalities related to motor vehicles in the U.S. (and D.C.) for that year.

Of the more than 10,000 people who lost their lives in alcohol-impaired driving crashes throughout the U.S. during 2013:

    • 65 percent were the drivers themselves, who had a BAC of at least .08.
    • Vehicle occupants make up approximately 27 percent.
  • The NHTSA report states that during 2013, on average, one alcohol-related driving fatality occurred every 52 minutes.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in Pennsylvania, between the years of 2003 to 2012, 4,663 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes that involved a drunk driver. Needless to say, drinking and driving remains one of the top safety concerns in the state of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania’s Drinking And Driving Statistics – 2013

    • According to the NHTSA report, in 2013, the total number of traffic fatalities in Pennsylvania was 1,208. Of these, 368 (approximately 30 percent) involved an alcohol-impaired driver who had a blood-alcohol content that was at or above the legal limit of .08 percent.
    • Approximately 27 percent of these Pennsylvania drivers with a BAC of .08 percent or higher involved in fatal crashes were motorcycle riders.
    • In 2012, there were 11,956 alcohol-related crashes in Pennsylvania. Whereas in 2013, there were 11,041 (a decrease of 915).
    • Pennsylvania is particularly concerned with the increase in the number of individuals drinking and driving, who under the age of 21. Nearly 20 percent of driver fatalities in Pennsylvania were individuals aged 16 to 20 years who were drinking drivers, this is a slight increase from 2012.
    • Another concern is the individuals in Pennsylvania aged 21 to 25 years as 44 percent of driver deaths within this age group were related to alcohol consumption. Up from 40 percent in 2012. However, a 10 percent decrease was seen in drivers aged 26 to 30 years.
    • Pennsylvania will continue taking an aggressive stance to deter and prevent drinking and driving. In particular, with the use of saturation patrols and DUI checkpoints.
    • On average, 30 alcohol-related crashes occurred, 22 persons sustained injuries and 1 person died in an alcohol-related crash every day.
    • The majority of alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes occurred in the evening and night hours and on the weekends (74 percent).
    • Females total 25 percent of the individuals killed in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes and males total 75 percent.
    • Approximately 15 percent of all drivers who were involved in fatal motor vehicle crashes during the week were intoxicated; however, that number doubles to 30 percent on the weekend.
    • An alcohol-related crash was nearly 5 times more likely to end in death than a crash where alcohol was not involved.
    • Approximately 3 percent of alcohol-related crashes in Pennsylvania resulted in fatalities. Crashes not involving the use of alcohol was 0.7 percent.

Annual DUI’s in Pittsburgh

Ever since Pittsburgh observed 865 DUI arrests in 2012, the number of DUI offenses has been dropping dramatically. In 2017, only 415 DUI arrests were booked, which is down 52% from 2012. The three areas which experience the most DUI offenses are South Side Flats, Golden Flats, and Shadyside, which since 2010 have experienced 768, 284, and 206 offenses respectively. On the bright side, South Side Flats has seen a dramatic decrease in DUI offenses over the past several years. In 2017, offenses were down 82% from 2011. Likewise, both Golden Triangle and Shadyside have seen offenses drop dramatically by over 50%.

The vast majority of offenses occur at night between 11 PM and 5 AM on the weekends. These arrests account for 46% of all those that occur in a given week.

All of the attorneys of DeLuca, Ricciuti & Konieczka are former prosecutors. As a result, we have knowledge that relates to both sides of a case. This experience allows us to provide our clients with the best defense possible. If you need criminal representation in Pennsylvania, contact our office today to schedule your free initial consultation.

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